Hello Dr. Kim, just wanted to tell you what a blessing your seminarWas to myself and staff. God has definitely blessed you in a way thatyou can touch others. I am the one that prayed a blessing over you andyour message at the end of your convention here in Arizona. What anawesome thing to use the worldlymeans to serve God’s message.Thanks again! I am actually trying to find another seminar time that Ican bring my boss and daughter to. Love you and continue to lift youup in prayer, my faith works. God Bless.
C. Walker
Wells Fargo Bank
Chandler, AZ
“What an excellent, exhilaratingexperience! Incredibly uplifting … awonderful learning experience.”
Ana Urbano
“Every woman should come tothis program. Dr. Kim is amazingand lets us all know that anythingis possible.”
Melissa Farshen
“Dr. Kim – you will never be forgotten, nor will the light which youignited within me. You are truly awesome an full of confidence, loveand joy. I’ll be back for more – I can’t stop telling people about you.”
Shelly Fransins
Outstanding! Terrific! Makes youthink about who you are and whoyou want to become.”
Crystal Burnett
“Dr. Kim is a powerhouse! Herenergy is electrifying! ”Rachel Polisher
“Informal, comfortable and somuch FUN! I leave this confer-ence with far more confidencethan when I came in this morning.I love it!”
Shirley Haney
“What a wonderfully informativeprogram. Never before have Igotten such a great feeling fromattending a seminar. Spectacular!”
Kim Kaypat
“I loved Dr. Kim!!! She adds somuch flavor and makes learningand listening a joy. Her commentsand words of wisdom leave a last-ing impression.”
– Merrie Bayard
“Today was absolutely wonderful … It lifted my spirit and gave mepower and energy to feel more confident.”
Alisa Cianfrani
“This was the most inspirationalseminar I’ve ever attended.”
Katie garette
“Wonderful!! Wonderful!! I feelenergized, moved and inspired!!”
Erlinda Clamor
Dear Dr. Kim,I just had to send you an email regarding your seminar I attended a fewmonths ago in Grand Rapids. After much turmoil, counseling and re-viewing my life, I reached the courage to live and practice some of yourideas. I can say “no”, I did change the people around me, I have stoodup for myself and guess what? Your plan works!!! I was very afraid as Ihad been in the same rut for so long that no one would listen but insteadthey not only listened but told me I was a “very valuable associate” andhave changed my job to suit me!!! You are absolutely fabulous, inter-esting to listen to and know exactly what you are talking about.Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!I hope to attend one of your seminars again soon!!
R. Seaman
Riverdale, MI
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