The Dr. Kim Experience LLC
When a person feels entitled they will never be feel grateful! - Dr. Kim
Dr. Kimberly Ventus-Darks AKA DR. Kim
Dr. Kim is a highly sought-after international Keynoter & motivator where she has traveled to more than 15 cities per month speaking on her Dr. KIM’S TOUR. As an Orator, Professor, Master Problem-Solver, and Ghost Writer she also has her 3rd newly published book through TBN / TRILOGY PUBLISHINGS entitled: “SPIRITUALLY EXHAUSTED”!!! Her other books coming out this year is STOP MAKING RACISM YOUR GOD & I CAN FIX WHAT IS MISSING IN YOUR LIFE!
Dr. Kim is loved and deeply admired for her unending profound wisdom and contagious energy that changes lives ON THE SPOT!
She is funny, addictive, profound and unforgettable!
Profound Author
Ghost Writer of 14 Books
International Keynoter/Speaker/Orator
Master Problem Solver

In addition to having other motivational CDs, books and audiobooks she has ghostwritten over 14 books for clients.
Here are some of Dr. Kim’s products below.

Email Dr. Kim personally for questions!
What are people saying about Dr. Kim!
Dr. Kim spoke at Miami-Dade for a 3 day conference on Revitalize Your Life ! When she opened her mouth it was like nothing I have ever heard before. She was explosive dynamite. She captured the audience with her bold and bodacious presence. She gave me tools that I use to this very day. I think her quote goes something like this,” If you do what you always have done than you will get what you have always gotten.
I had the pleasure of attending Dr. Kimberly Ventus-Darks seminars on two different occasions. On Long Island, NY and in Manhattan, NY. I have attended many motivational speaking engagements over the years which I can honestly say were nothing like Dr. Kimberly Ventus-Darks seminars. Her style alone captivated me. This enabled me to leave with exceptional tools, that I was able to use in my professional life as a Surgical Coordinator at a large Spine Surgery practice. Those tools have carried over to my personal life as well. After reconnecting with Dr Kim many years later, she was able to help me regain control, during a very difficult chapter of my life. Her knowledge and words of wisdom have given me my strength and confidence back so I am able to move forward with nothing but positivity. Dr Kim has changed my life. If you get the opportunity to experience her speak, you will not be disappointed!